Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Pajama Day!

Just another Pajama Day in Paradise. Not sure why but "Pajama Day" is part of a kick-off for a reading program at school. Reading at bedtime? Reading to go to sleep? Comfortable reading? Whatever, it sure beats those uniforms!


Deanna said...

I love pajama day!!! That's like "Casual Friday" for grown ups!! What a cutie!
~ Dee

Nick H. said...

Thanks for the visit, Dee. Oh, okay, you are right, PJ day is for fun. And Haley let me know it was a blast. Annie tried to get her to wear some rollers in her hair but I guess that was going too far. Guess Haley had to maintain *some* dignity.

Been by your blog and, goodness, you have some great pictures posted! Love the cabin, reflections, and your portrait is so professional. Very nice!


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