Friday, October 13, 2006

Haley... Friday the 13th... In 3D

Today Haley went with Annaliese and Liz to Washington Square over by Tigard. There, she bought a pair of big hoop earrings and this brown t-shirt. According to her they were both on sale (Way to Go!).

Click this picture and tell me if this is not cool or what!

Haley3D by

Picturecloud is a free service to make 360 degree photos. Simply take 20 to 30 low res pictures around a subject (oh, Haley, you are so lucky), then upload them to picturecloud. They stitch the pictures together and give you the code to be pasted into the webpage. The picture is then hosted by them for one year, or for a small fee (like a dollar) you can get the file for your own keeping. For the same fee you can make other additions like larger format. Enjoy!

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