Sunday, April 01, 2007

Haley Congratulates Sallye at Les Schwabb Invitational

This Sunday, Haley and I went to the Chiles Center in Portland to see the Les Schwabb invitational basketball game. The best high school senior players from Oregon and Washington were invited to play against each other.

Sallye Alexander hails from Forest Grove and has a scholarship to Humboldt State University this next year. Haley was lucky enough to be invited to her workshop earlier this year and while there Sallye invited Haley to come to this invitational. We really enjoyed watching her play.

At the end of the game, Sallye was presented with a special trophy. Here you see Haley joining in to give Sallye congratulations.

In this picture from left to right: Sallye's Dad, Haley, Sallye's little sister, and Mr. Hurley, a history teacher and basketball afficianado from NAMS (Neil Armstrong Middle School, Forest Grove, Oregon).

PS Here you can see Sallye at the Forest Grove High School in November, signing her letter of intent to attend HSU on a scholarship. If you take a close look you'll be able to see Sallye's Dad, Mom, and oh, there's Mr. Hurley again! Also, two of Haley's favorite guards, Sarah Amina and Nikki Kemper, are in the picture too.

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