Saturday, January 15, 2005

Elk's Hoop Shoot Finalist

Icy weather forced the cancellation of the local level Elk's "Hoop Shoot". Haley had competed at her grade school this last week and received a phone call saying she would represent the 10-11 year old girls. Not sure when the event will be held but at least we had a chance to see what the high school is like and to get this picture. Haley was impressed with how big the high school is!


Deanna said...

woooo whooooo!! Way to go!! :)

~ Dee

Nick H. said...

Thanks, Dee! I'll pass on the "wooo-hoo!" to Haley. She's funny. Now that she gets some compliments she'll probably take all this competition stuff too seriously. For her, free throw shooting was just another "assignment" in PE. I envy her approach to challenges. She must've gotten her "poise" genes from her mother, certainly not from me!


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