Sunday, January 09, 2005

"Haley at the Park"

Even in the middle of winter, Haley shows her love of playing basketball by dragging her dad to the park!

Meanwhile, Annie is rocking out to Russian girl group, tATu while cooking! (photo credit goes to Haley. Hey, why is it she takes such better pictures than me?!)


Deanna said...

Hey Nick!
I like your photo collage of Haley! Esp the pencil effect! How did you do that?
Looks like Haley is a photographer in the making!!!
~ Dee

Nick H. said...

Hi, Dee: As always, thanks for dropping by. Yes, I like that pencil sketch effect "at the Park". I have an old, OLD, copy of Photoshop (version 4.0!). I used the "charcoal" effect and then made the picture the canvas in Lumapix. And then it was a simple matter to have Lumapix turn the canvas blue. Lots of fun!

Of course, you taught me to turn borders different colors and because I keep checking out your blog I have to try and be more creative each time! I cannot keep up with you, your pictures are awesome, and now Haley is taking better pictures too, so I have to "fancify" everything out of desperation! (kidding... kind of)


Deanna said...

Ok, cool - I have PS7 and I'm pretty sure I have that ability! I'll give it a go!
My goal this year is to get better at my photography, get better at Photoshop and learn html! We'll see...
Have a great day tomorrow!
~ Dee

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