Monday, November 20, 2006

Game #2, Getting Congratulations

Haley and Grandma after basketball game #2 in Dallas, Oregon. (Haley's team won 54-12!)

Mom and I made a day of this. We left earlier in the day and went to Falls City, where we were able to spend the afternoon with Aunt Bob. (Aunt Bob is Mom's oldest Sister. She gave mom some copies of pictures from when they were little girls, and showed us some of the neat crafts she is working on.)

The La Creole Middle school is beautiful. It is just down the street from an absolutely awesome aquatic center. Haley got to play in the main gymnasium. The other team was nice and polite, Haley's team played and acted professionally.

After the game I got this special picture. We said goodbye to Haley (she rides home in the bus with the other girls, stopping at McDonalds for dinner on the way...lucky girl!) and then we headed home. I got lost once, missing a turnoff at Rickreal, and had to travel an extra three miles to get turned around. Other than that, there wasn't too much stress. I really enjoyed the day. And it was great that Haley's grandma could come out for a traveling game.

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