Thursday, November 30, 2006

Game #5, Win but Haley is Out With Sprained Ankle

Haley misses the game against Chehalem Valley Middle School (Newberg). At the end of the school day, in life fitness class, Haley sprained her ankle while playing, of all things, basketball. The teachers/coaches iced her up and said they wanted her to stay home and get her ankle back to normal.

Later, Coach David called to check on Haley. Let us know the girls and he were really disappointed that Haley couldn't play. He said each time the group broke from their huddle, instead of their usual, "Knuckle Chuckle!!" , they yelled, "HALEY!!". He said it was a close and tough game but they did win and he said the girls won the game for Haley. Wow!

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