Saturday, January 29, 2005

Distrcit Hoop Contest, McMinnville, Oregon

A rainy, drizzly day could not dampen the great spirits of Haley as she prepared to compete with other area girls for the Elk's Hoop Contest. The competition was fierce, Haley didn't place, but she did get a chance to see what she needs to do for next year's comptetition. You did great, Haley!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Awards Banquet...

What a nice awards banquet. Haley really enjoyed being there and look at all she received: a trophy; tiny basketball; regulation basketball; Forest Grove Elk's Contest T-shirt; and two Trailblazer's basketball tickets! We went to the Blazer's game the following night and watched them play the Dallas Maverick's. It was our first professional game and it was a blast! Thank you, Elks!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Winning Forest Grove Hoop Contest...

An exciting Saturday! Haley got a call that the free throw contest was to be held today. She competed with the other 10-11 year old girls that had won at their different Forest Grove area schools.

Waiting to start...

And the top three... Haley wins her first free throw contest! This coming Wednesday she goes to an awards banquet, and then the following Saturday she will compete at the district level in McMinnville, Oregon. Good luck, Haley!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Elk's Hoop Shoot Finalist

Icy weather forced the cancellation of the local level Elk's "Hoop Shoot". Haley had competed at her grade school this last week and received a phone call saying she would represent the 10-11 year old girls. Not sure when the event will be held but at least we had a chance to see what the high school is like and to get this picture. Haley was impressed with how big the high school is!

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Pajama Day!

Just another Pajama Day in Paradise. Not sure why but "Pajama Day" is part of a kick-off for a reading program at school. Reading at bedtime? Reading to go to sleep? Comfortable reading? Whatever, it sure beats those uniforms!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

"Haley at the Park"

Even in the middle of winter, Haley shows her love of playing basketball by dragging her dad to the park!

Meanwhile, Annie is rocking out to Russian girl group, tATu while cooking! (photo credit goes to Haley. Hey, why is it she takes such better pictures than me?!)

Friday, January 07, 2005

"Waiting for Haley"

Here is a nice glimpse of everyday life in Oregon! Waiting for darling daughter. At her school they require us to get in line with our cars. Today, about ten cars up, the parent is standing next to their car idly talking with someone. That is why I'd like you all to put an emphasis on
in my titled masterpiece, "Waiting for Haley".

Saturday, January 01, 2005

The New Year is Here!

Okay, it was a tiny New Year's Eve party, just the three of us. But still fun! And we wish everyone a great New Year!

And we were invited to lunch at Perly's. Thank you! Sarap! (delicious!)

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Forest Grove, Oregon, United States
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