Sunday, August 31, 2008

Test Post!

This is a test post using "Windows Live Writer".  It is supposed to make it easier to make posts to this blog.

Haley Parker and Pictures_082408 006 I just added a drop shadow and made it so I can wrap text to the right side of the picture.

I can insert hyperlinks, pictures, tables, maps, tags, and videos.  It will also allow me to add plug-ins, although I'm not sure what that means.

Anyway I am well impressed and think from now on I will use this setting.

(only concern is what pictures will look like when they are clicked on).


That's all for now!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hagg Lake Xcountry Pics

These are pictures that Haley took on the evening portion of daily doubles for cross country.

Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 005 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 006 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 007 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 008 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 009 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 020 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 021 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 022 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 001 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 002 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 003 Haley Xcountry Hagg Lake_082808 004

Parker Loves "Bopping" Balloons!

To get his physical exercise Parker loves two things:

  1. Catching Frisbees
  2. Bopping Balloons!

Parker Balloon_082808 006 Parker Balloon_082808 042 Parker Balloon_082808 054 Parker Balloon_082808 057 Parker Balloon_082808 062 Parker Balloon_082808 064 Parker Balloon_082808 073

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Haley and Parker on the Patio

OfficeMax Special... 18x24 Poster for $5.99

OfficeMax is having a special- $5.99 for 18"x24" posters. I have a special software called "Qimage" that enhances digital pictures that can be blown up into larger sizes. This worked perfect!

People discussing the deal on were saying this was just simple paper and printing. I disagreed and posted these pictures of Haley holding final products. I think they turned out great.

Oh, and the smaller picture is just an example of printing two 11x18 prints on one 18x24 print then cutting the pictures to be framed. Sweet!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Haley Back To Sports...Portland to Coast Run

Haley was invited to run the Portland to Coast run (127 miles!). This is a smaller part of the Mt. Hood to Coast run that had begun on Friday morning. Haley and her high school group started Friday afternoon and everyone finished on Saturday at Seaside, Oregon.

Haley ran two legs, both during the night. One leg of her run was 5 miles, and the other was 7 miles. That's why you see Advil and muscle rub in the picture!

Crowds at the Seaside turnaround on Saturday morning. The finish line of the race.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Haley Back To Sports... Tillamook Weekend for Cross Country

This weekend Haley went with other cross country runners to a weekend retreat at Cape Mears outside Tillamook. Not sure the significance but they all drank a gallon of milk and threw up on the beach. Must be a generation gap sort of thing...

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Annie and Haley Battle Parker

Parker, our dog, loves to play. And if there is more than one person to play with he is even more excited!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Haley and Nicole's Family Camp in Tillamook Forest

Haley was invited to go camping with Nicole and her mom and dad. They headed to the beach but there were no places available. As they were coming back across the coastal range, they stopped at the bull run campsite and spent the night. It rained. Happily our little garage sale brown tent (with the new zipper) kept Nicole and Haley dry. The new tent Karen and Eric used didn't. Because of the wet sleeping bags, they decided to cut the trip short and headed home. Haley said she still had a great time!

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Forest Grove, Oregon, United States
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